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Providing our communities and their pets with the food, toys, and supplies that they need.


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Senior Dog Care!!!

We have been working on some amazing projects behind the scenes and with it being our one year Anniversary today 2/17/2023, we are launching one of those projects today!

Do you have a senior dog? Have you thought about using supplements or CBD to help with the aches and joint issues that senior dogs can have? We have been saving all year and have a lot of food supplements and CBD items we want to donate to families in need of these expensive items! To be considered for this opportunity you MUST email a letter to us telling us your dogs age, name and problems they may be having. We will look at all the requests and email you back if we think we have something that may help. Please use the contact us form on the website to send your letters!!

Thank you to our community for all the support over the last year!!!

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